Meet the video stars

Linnea Johanssson

Linnea Johansson

For me, freedom in time and place means that I don’t have to choose anything right now, I can choose everything.

Erica Weistrand

Erica Weistrand

As a student, 84codes feels like a company with many possibilities; both as company and for me as an employee.

Carl Hörberg

Carl Hörberg

I don’t like to live my life waiting, I want to enjoy it every day as much as I can.

About 84codes

84codes is a Swedish tech company dedicated to simplifying cloud infrastructure for developers. We provide a set of high quality cloud-hosted open source services via CloudAMQP, focusing on RabbitMQ and LavinMQ. By doing so, we are helping thousands of companies to build distributed systems that process millions of messages per second over the Internet. But above all, we help developers to focus on building new applications and not having to spend time on managing their specialized servers.

The Beginning

84codes was founded in 2012 by Carl Hörberg. He saw the need of a hosted RabbitMQ solution when he was trying to use RabbitMQ in combination with Heroku and AppHarbor at the consultancy company that he worked for at the time. He believed that cloud-based messaging would increase the speed of getting an application to the market. Where developers could focus on the core part of their applications, instead of managing and maintaining servers and queueing infrastructure, like updates and mirroring of clusters.

Since our launch in 2012 we have added thousands of server instances under our management in several different clouds around the world, helping more than 3,900+ happy customers in over 95 countries.

Our Mission

Automating all server configuration and maintenance

Our vision is that developers should never have to set up or maintain servers. That's why we've made it our mission to let developers focus on their applications by offering a growing set of high-quality cloud-hosting services.


84codes was founded


Happy Customers


Team Members

Our Team

Meet the people behind 84codes

Together we are successfully taking care of thousands of servers and customers each and every day. We are a group of hard-working, fast-moving, and fun-loving people that are passionate about open source.

Anders Bälter - CTO at 84codes

Anders Bälter


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Annelie Rönnkvist - Business Administrator at 84codes

Annelie Rönnkvist

Business Administrator

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Annie Blomgren - Technical Support Engineer at 84codes

Annie Blomgren

Technical Support Engineer

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Anton Dalgren - Developer at 84codes

Anton Dalgren


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Carl Hörberg - CEO & Janitor at 84codes

Carl Hörberg

CEO & Janitor

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Chad Knutson - Technical Support Engineer at 84codes

Chad Knutson

Technical Support Engineer

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Christina Dahlén - Developer at 84codes

Christina Dahlén


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Daniel Marklund - Design & Marketing Strategy Consultant at 84codes

Daniel Marklund

Design & Marketing Strategy Consultant

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Dustin Turpin - Technical Support Engineer at 84codes

Dustin Turpin

Technical Support Engineer

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Ebba Stenlycke  - HR Administrator at 84codes

Ebba Stenlycke

HR Administrator

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Elin Vinka - Tech content and marketing strategy at 84codes

Elin Vinka

Tech content and marketing strategy

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Erica Weistrand - Developer at 84codes

Erica Weistrand


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Erik Lööf - Technical Support Engineer at 84codes

Erik Lööf

Technical Support Engineer

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Hanna Littorin - Developer at 84codes

Hanna Littorin


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Håkan Lööf - Technical Support Engineer at 84codes

Håkan Lööf

Technical Support Engineer

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Jeff Hara - Customer Success Manager at 84codes

Jeff Hara

Customer Success Manager

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Johan Eckerström - Developer at 84codes

Johan Eckerström


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Johan Nordlund - Developer at 84codes

Johan Nordlund


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Johan Rhodin - CCO at 84codes

Johan Rhodin


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Johannes Nordangård - Technical Support Engineer at 84codes

Johannes Nordangård

Technical Support Engineer

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John Sandberg - Legal & Compliance Counsel at 84codes

John Sandberg

Legal & Compliance Counsel

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Jon Börjesson - Developer at 84codes

Jon Börjesson


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Julia Lindberg - Conference Coordinator at 84codes

Julia Lindberg

Conference Coordinator

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Linnea Johansson - COO at 84codes

Linnea Johansson


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Lois Soto López - Developer at 84codes

Lois Soto López


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Lovisa Johansson - CMO at 84codes

Lovisa Johansson


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Magnus Hörberg - Lead Developer at 84codes

Magnus Hörberg

Lead Developer

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Magnus Landerblom - Lead Developer at 84codes

Magnus Landerblom

Lead Developer

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Magnus Lindberg - Designer at 84codes

Magnus Lindberg


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Maria Elgaard - CGO at 84codes

Maria Elgaard


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Markus Gustavsson - Technical Support Engineer at 84codes

Markus Gustavsson

Technical Support Engineer

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Mary Malto - Technical Support Engineer at 84codes

Mary Malto

Technical Support Engineer

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Mia Kronoström - Business and HR Administrator at 84codes

Mia Kronoström

Business and HR Administrator

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Nyior Clement - Developer Advocate at 84codes

Nyior Clement

Developer Advocate

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Oscar Bosson - Chief Commercial Officer at 84codes

Oscar Bosson

Chief Commercial Officer

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Oskar Gustafsson - Developer at 84codes

Oskar Gustafsson


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Patrik Ragnarsson - Developer at 84codes

Patrik Ragnarsson


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Péter Gömöri - Developer at 84codes

Péter Gömöri


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Robin Wallin - Developer at 84codes

Robin Wallin


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Sofie Abrahamsson - PR & Communication at 84codes

Sofie Abrahamsson

PR & Communication

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Thomas Sarlin - Developer at 84codes

Thomas Sarlin


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Tobias Brodén - Developer at 84codes

Tobias Brodén


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Tomaz Zlender - Developer at 84codes

Tomaz Zlender


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Viktor Erlingsson - Developer at 84codes

Viktor Erlingsson


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