On January 28, 2025, brownout sessions for CloudKarafka, CloudMQTT, and ElephantSQL will begin. The company announced the sunset of these three hosting offerings in early 2024, marking the end of 84codes’s services for Apache Kafka, Mosquitto, and PostgreSQL.
Moving forward, the company will focus entirely on the in-house-developed message broker, LavinMQ, and the hosting service CloudAMQP. CEO, Carl Hörberg, explains, “We discovered that LavinMQ and RabbitMQ together could meet nearly all of our customers’ needs. When LavinMQ exceeded our performance expectations, it became clear that focusing on what we do best is the way forward. From now on, we’re dedicating all our resources on message queuing and streaming.”
84codes’ message broker LavinMQ (developed in-house) is a fast message broker written in Crystal that supports AMQP 0-9-1 protocol. Compared to other queuing systems, LavinMQ was built with high-speed communication, simplified scaling, and improved usability in mind. “We saw an increasing demand for a message broker that was even simpler, more efficient, and faster than existing alternatives, without compromising with essential functionality,” says Lovisa Johansson, CMO at 84codes.
With renewed focus and unified direction, 84codes enters 2025 with a mission: to become the first choice for message queueing and streaming. A goal built on their long experience and expertise in the field.
Links and further reading
84codes blog: Leveling up with LavinMQ in 2025
LavinMQ, the message broker of 2025
End-of-life announcements:
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